Jun 2, 2017

A Message From Your Tires

Hey!! Hey, you! DOWN HERE! Yes, you. No, you’re not hallucinating. Yes, you are talking to the tires on your Toyota Highlander, and that does not make you crazy. Well, maybe a little bit. Now that we’ve sorted out the formalities, I think we need to have a talk. I’ve just been feeling a bit low lately, and I don’t know about you, but when I’m this low it really wears me down. Literally, though, my treads are really taking a beating down here. With that in mind, I feel like we need to go over some ground rules, mostly because the ground is literally the only interaction I have to this beautiful outside world. So I’m going to go over some of my requests to make our driving experience better for the both of us.

Not to make everything about me, but, I’m pretty important to the whole “mobility” thing with your Highlander. Your vehicle might have all the gadgets and gizmos that make driving magical, but it could get exactly zero places without me. SO, checking in on me periodically would be just great. Now, I have no unrealistic expectations that I will live forever. I mean, when my time comes, I will roll happily to the junkyard knowing that we drove our hearts out while I was in my prime. But my time is not now, so let’s try to keep me at my prime so I last a while at least.

The first order of business is, as I mentioned before, I’ve been feeling a bit low lately. You know, in the air department. The weather has been warming up a lot and honestly, it’s just taken the wind right out of me. To help keep me a bit more regular, it would be super helpful if you could check in on me once in awhile, perhaps monthly, to see how I’m doing. Letting my tire pressure stay low can really be costly. When I’m low, I tend to be more resistant to rolling. To be fair, who wants to rock and roll when you’re feeling low?? Basically, it means that the engine has to pick up my slack and put in more effort to move your vehicle. So Let’s try to avoid this awkward situation by keeping up on my tire pressure. Next time we’ll have to have a chat about your lead foot, but for now, let’s focus on keeping track of my tire pressure. If you ever feel like there has been lasting damage, or if you have any questions about how to keep me in better health you can definitely stop by Fiore Toyota, located at 1000 Logan Boulevard Hollidaysburg, PA 1664, and they can help you out. In the meantime, here is a quick little guide on how you can check my pressure to extend my life, and the quality of our driving.

  1. To check my tire pressure follow these steps:
  2. Remove the end caps on your tires’ air valves (don’t lose them! I need those!).
  3. Place the tire pressure gauge into the valve stem and press down quickly to get a reading.
  4. Check the PSI reading. Compare that to your vehicle’s recommended PSI.
  5. It can often be tricky to get the gauge to press fully onto the valve, resulting in an off reading—so take a few readings just in case.
  6. If the reading is above the recommendation, push in the valve to let out some air (you might have to do this a few times to get it right).
  7. If the PSI reading is below the recommendation, fill your tire with air until you reach the ideal level (this may also take a few tries).