Jan 19, 2017

Fiore Toyota

Toyota, along with 12 other global industry leaders, has committed to a cleaner future through the use of hydrogen. To help meet climate goals, Toyota, Air Liquide, BMW Group, Honda, Royal Dutch Shell, and other members of the new ‘Hydrogen Council’ will accelerate their significant investments in the development and commercialization of the hydrogen and fuel cell sectors.

“The Hydrogen Council will exhibit responsible leadership in showcasing hydrogen technology and its benefits to the world. It will seek collaboration, cooperation and understanding from governments, industry and most importantly, the public. At Toyota, we have always tried to play a leading role in environmental and technological advances in the automotive industry, including through the introduction of fuel cell vehicles.” said Takeshi Uchiyamada, Chairman, Toyota.

Hydrogen is a versatile energy source which doesn’t release any CO2 at the point of use. It’s a clean fuel and can play an important role in the transition to a clean, low-carbon, energy system. Technology has progressed rapidly over the last few years and the council believes that now is the time to push forward with stakeholders, businesses, and consumers.

Benoît Potier, CEO of Air Liquide said: ”The 2015 Paris Agreement to combat climate change is a significant step in the right direction but requires business action to be taken to make such a pledge a reality. The Hydrogen Council brings together some of the world’s leading industrial, automotive and energy companies with a clear ambition.”

“New ‘Hydrogen Council’ Launches in Davos.” Toyota USA Newsroom. Toyota, 17 Jan. 2017. Web. 19 Jan. 2017.