Aug 19, 2022

As a parent, your number one job is to keep your children safe. As your local vehicle provider, Fiore Toyota’s number one job is to keep you and your family safe while you’re on the road. And, while Toyota is always engineering new and different ways to keep you safe, we want to give you your own way of keeping your precious cargo safe. This week we are bringing you a list of car seat tips that you should know and begin practicing so your child is secure when you travel!

Fiore Toyota’s Car Seat Tips:

  • Pick the correct seat for your child’s age, height, and weight.
  • Install the seat correctly by reading the owner’s manual for your vehicle AND the car seat. If you’re unsure if the seat has been installed properly, seek professional help.
  • You should always choose a 5-point harness and it should be tight enough where you can slide one finger through. The chest clip should be even with your child’s armpits and any accessories that are not certified for car seat use should not be used.
  • Facing backward is the safest option for your child until they have reached a certain age or weight limit. Your doctor can give further instruction on when it is safe for your child to face forward.
  • Don’t rush to get rid of the booster seat. Children are safest in these even if it seems they are big enough to ride without one. Always choose a booster seat with a back for further protection.
  • Never skip the car seat to save time. Your child’s safety is a top priority. Always be sure to strap them in to ensure that they are safe even if you are traveling a minute down the road.
  • Children 13 and under should be safely buckled up in the back seat, no exceptions.
  • Be an example, always wear your seatbelt. Children watch what your habits are and will pick them up. If you are consistent with wearing your seatbelt, they will realize it is an important part of riding in the vehicle!