Feb 23, 2018
One of the things that is pretty much a guarantee when it comes to driving is that you’ll encounter at least one other person who’s experiencing road rage or is a little more on edge than a person who is driving a 2,000-pound bullet should be. It’s just a fact of life! But there are a lot of ways that you can avoid falling victim to anger on your commute, also known as road rage. Check them out!

First off, always plan for delays on your commute when you leave your house in the morning, or when leaving work if you have plans after hours. No matter what, there’s always the chance of traffic, and being late makes everyone a little edgier. Eliminate that stress and plan for a longer trip – and surprise yourself when you’re early to wherever you’re headed!

If someone is tailgating you on the road, then don’t let them get to you. Let them get past you! As soon as it’s safe to do so, let whoever’s been riding your rear bumper like there’s no tomorrow pass your vehicle. Wave them on if they need encouragement, but don’t play games.

When it comes to manners, lay off the horn. Not only does honking at other people a lot make them upset, but it subconsciously makes you upset as well! And when you’re upset, you drive like a maniac. That’s just a fact.

If you do get worked up a little and start feeling agitated, take deep breaths and listen to soothing music or talk radio quietly to calm you down. It really works!

Always focus on being safe while you’re on the road. When you are thinking about driving safely and not paying all of your attention to your music, your passengers, or anything else that is not actively related to your operation of the vehicle, you drive more safely.

The last thing is that if you do come across someone who is road raging hard, then let them get past you as soon as you can do so safely. They are dangerous when they are angry in this manner, so just let them go be dangerous somewhere else. Don’t make eye contact, don’t gesture, just let them pass you.