Feb 8, 2018


When it comes to headlights, well, there’s no room for compromise. Those things have to work perfectly all the time – and when they don’t, you’ve got a problem. Here are some common reasons your headlights might not be working the way they should, and how you can talk to the shop tech about getting them fixed.

If only one of your headlights is out, then you do need to get it fixed. This could be due to a burnt out bulb or a broken component in your headlight assembly.

If both of your headlights are out, then you’ve got a serious problem! There’s a slim possibility that it could just be that both of your headlights are burnt out, but it’s far more likely that it’s due to a broken relay or control switch – either of which need to get repaired ASAP.

If your headlights both work but just aren’t shining as brightly as you think they should be, then give them a good cleaning with some solution and a clean microfiber cloth. If they’re still dim, look closely at the surface of your headlights. If it’s yellow and scratched and chipped, then come ask us about headlight reconditioning. You might also consider asking about upgrading your headlights to HID bulbs or even LEDs.


If your headlights work fine but dim a little bit in certain situations, such as when you are accelerating, then you might have a problem with your charging system. Ask us about it – or at least let us know at your next oil change.