Jan 15, 2019

January is a time for new beginnings and organizing your garage should be one of those new year’s resolutions you take seriously. Even if you only clean it a few time this year, make a plan and stick to it.  

Your first step is to de-clutter your garage. If you’re anything like me,  you are not sure what type of things have been collecting over the years and made your precious garage its’ new home. Now, is the time to empty out the garage and separate your items into three piles: a keep, a rehome, and toss/ recycle properly pile. My trick is that if you haven’t used certain items in over 6 months to a year, it’s time to part ways with them! If you can’t decide, store the item and if you don’t use in a month’s time – definitely toss.

Now, onto the cleaning portion, we know, it’s not everyone’s favorite part but it is definitely important to organizing and staying organized. At this point, your garage should be totally empty and we want you to really clean your garage. The floor, the shelves, under any benches, the ceiling, gosh if you can clean it – just do it! It might be a pain now, but you will thank us in the long run! Plus, having a clean garage will make the things you own look much better and newer. And who wants their vehicle sitting in a nasty, dirty garage? Noone, so, clean everything and anything.

The organization is KEY! Seriously. When I think about being organized, I think about being successful and that’s truly the end goal, right? Right. And, if you have you ever been looking for something and can’t find it because you are not organized, it’s frustrating and should be something you left in 2018. Choose how you want to organize your items and stick to the plan you set. There are plenty of options. Storage shelving, workbench, cabinets, wall or ceiling racks – choose what’s best for you and install. I personally like racks because you can get your items stored out of the way yet still able to see where they are.

Once the above steps are complete, start giving your items a new home in your garage. I like to keep like items together like fluids, paints, and other liquids should be kept together. Put all of your tools in one location so you know where to go when you’re looking for something specific. Also, keep items that you use frequently closer to your reach versus storing them up high.