Jun 15, 2022

Getting ready to hit the road this summer? Well, do so and bring these fuel economy tips along for the ride! Whether your travels are going to be taking you near or far, we could all benefit from boosting our fuel efficiency and even become better drivers along the way! Take a look at our tips listed out for you below and if we can help you get behind the wheel of a brand new, efficient Toyota, stop in to see our team today and let’s get you behind the wheel! Let’s get started!

Fiore Toyota’s Fuel Efficiency Tips:

Reduce Your Speed 

  • SLOW DOWN! You’ve heard this many times before and now we’re here to tell you to do so because every 5 MPH over 50 is like paying $0.20 per gallon! Can you believe that? I sure can! So slow down, travel the speed limit because slower speeds are safer and more efficient!

Don’t Idle Your Engine 

  • We understand that in sweltering summer temperatures you’ll want to turn your vehicle on to get the A/C pumping before hitting the road. But this is making your gas gage drop by keeping your engine idling, meaning that you’re wasting your own dollars and you’re not even going anywhere! So start up the car and hit the road without letting your vehicle idle! 

Maintain Proper Tire Pressure 

  • Keeping your tires at the proper inflation levels is a simple way to improve your gas mileage in the summer months. In fact, you can improve your gas mileage by up to 3% by keeping your tires at the proper PSI levels.

Get Regular Oil Changes 

  • If you haven’t had an oil change in a while, it might be time for a quick oil change which can really help boost your fuel efficiency. Dirty, old engine oil can decrease your fuel efficiency greatly due to being thick and sludgy. This oil makes your engine burn more energy which makes your fuel economy go down. No good! 

Avoid Aggressive Driving 

  • Not only is aggressive driving unsafe, but it’s also hurting your fuel economy! So, if you’re weaving in and out of traffic or known to speed up and slow down erratically, it’s time to stop! Rapid acceleration can negatively affect your highway fuel economy by up to 33% and your city economy by 5%. Are you ready to slow down now?