Mar 9, 2018


When it comes to tires, we always need to be prepared for the worst. Not because we’ll experience the worst, but because tires are so important to the proper operation of your vehicle. Without proper tires or tire care, you can suffer reduced gas mileage, less traction on slick surfaces, and the danger of losing control. Here’s our advice on tires when you do have an emergency.

The first tip is to always have a spare tire in your vehicle. All vehicles come with a space for a spare, so make sure that space is filled properly! You should be checking your spare about once a month to make sure that it is properly inflated and that the rubber is not disintegrating or damaged anywhere. You should also have the tools necessary to change your tire, such as a jack and tire iron, and a vehicle emergency kit with flares and reflective items would certainly not go amiss.

Changing your tire is much easier than it might seem. First of all, you should take a few deep breaths. Don’t be nervous or anxious! It’s fine, and you’ll be back on the road soon. Your owner’s manual has all of the instructions, step by step, for changing your tire. Follow them closely and you’ll be good as gold.

When the spare tire is on, put everything away where you found it, and put the flat tire where the spare was. When you get back on the road, head straight to Fiore Toyota so that we can replace your tire! Spares, unless they are full-sized tires that are the same as what you normally drive on, are not meant to be used for long periods of time or at highway speeds. They’re intended to be a stopgap to keep you on the road long enough to get somewhere to have the tire replaced.


With that being said, make sure you check your tire pressure often, that you have your vehicle aligned and tires rotated at every oil change, and that you make sure to check the tread of your tires often – it’s always better to be safe than sorry!