Nov 29, 2017


Winter is approaching more quickly than I think a lot of us would like, and that means not only getting sweaters, scarves, hats, and gloves out of the closet but also getting our vehicles ready for what the season might have in store. That means ice, snow, freezing rain, and all manner of slushes and road liquids of varying temperatures. How to do this, you may be asking? Well! That is why I am here. Read on, friend, and learn!

The first step is making sure that you have a good place to park your vehicle. If you have a garage, make sure it’s clean enough for your car to fit inside comfortably to shelter it from the elements. This is also a great time to do a little organization and waste disposal!

Second, check the fluids under your vehicle’s hood. Is your radiator in good shape? Make sure you have the right amount of coolant and start using windshield washer fluid with nontoxic antifreeze in it.

On that vein, check on your windshield wipers. Consider investing in wipers specifically for the winter if you typically get bad weather. If not, just make sure that what you have is in good shape and ready to handle the weather.

Make sure all of your defrosters work. Turn them on full blast and feel the vent to make sure air is coming out everywhere it should be. If not, bring them in to us to get fixed.

Check on your battery. Just because it may look new doesn’t mean that it actually is new. Make sure the connections are tight and not rusted or corroded. If you need to replace your battery soon, might as well do it now!


Finally, get your snow tires on if you have them, and if you don’t then make sure your tires are ready for the winter. Consider investing in chains or other traction improving accessories if you know you’ll encounter slick roads. Put all your winter necessities in your trunk and you’re ready to face the season!