Dec 20, 2017


With temperatures fluctuating and ultimately dropping, you’re going to want to make sure your tires are holding up well so that you can get where you need to go, regardless of the weather. You should be checking your tires pretty much whenever you get into your vehicle in the morning – and this is something you can do in a matter of seconds. Check out how to make sure both your tire pressure AND your tire tread are in good shape – in less than 30 seconds!

To check your tire pressure, all you’ll need is a tire pressure gauge. This can be found at any auto parts store for anywhere between a couple of dollars and a few dollars (you know what I mean!) and is an essential accessory for your vehicle. To use it, just unscrew the cover from the valve stem, fit the gauge onto it, and check the pressure. Put the cap back on and you’re good! The tire pressure your tires should be at is located in three places: on the tires themselves, on a sticker in your door jamb, and in your owner’s manual.

To check your tread, all you’ll need is a penny. Put the penny with Lincoln’s head facing directly down into the tread of your tire. If you can see the top of his head, your tires need to be replaced ASAP. If not, you’re good. The lower they are the closer you are to needing to replace your tires!


Do this every morning and you’ll be more in tune with your tires than you ever thought possible before! Good luck!